Transfers from Dalaman Airport to Fethiye…

If you want to take advantage of Fethiye – Dalaman Airport Transfer Services, you can contact us 24/7.

Fethiye is one of the well-known districts of Muğla. It is located in the turquoise bays where the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts of Turkey meet, 50 km from Dalaman airport. Fethiye is located on the old “Telmessos” city, where you can see its ruins and theater in the city. Fethiye is popular with tourism and amazing nature. Fethiye has a population of around 115,000 and receives a lot of visitors during the summer season.

In a legend, “Telmessos” is defined as the name of Apollo, the son of God. The Phoenician king falls in love with the daughter of King Agenor. He transforms himself into a little dog and wins the affection of the withdrawn, shy girl. Then he looks like a handsome man and they have a son named “Telmessos” which means “Land of Light”.

Fethiye BC. 547 became part of the Persian Empire. “Telmessos”, BC. He joined the “Attic Delos Union”, which was founded in the 5th century. Later, the city broke away from the union and became an independent city, BC. It continued its relations with the union until the 4th century.

Fethiye grew rapidly in the 19th century and hosted a large number of Greek citizens. During the exchange between Greece and Turkey, the Greeks were sent to Greece and the town was handed over to the Turks from Greece. The city was named “Fethiye” in honor of Fethi Bey, one of the first pilots of the Ottoman Air Force.

Today, Fethiye is a touristic city with its international atmosphere. The town has 3 marinas serving international and local visitors and cruise ships. The town has everything a tourist needs. It is the only city in the world where you can find delicious restaurants, great nightlife, history and nature, incredible coves, traditional markets, shops, day trips, events and possibly sarcophagi, temples and ruins on its streets.